- generateMirroredPath(reversed, waypoints, maxVelo, maxAccel, startVelocity, endVelocity) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathGenerator
- generateMirroredPath(reversed, waypoints, maxVelo, maxAccel) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathGenerator
- generateMirroredPath(reversed, waypoints) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathGenerator
- generatePath(reversed, waypoints, maxVelo, maxAccel, startVelo, endVelo) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathGenerator
- generatePath(reversed, waypoints, maxVelo, maxAccel) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathGenerator
- generatePath(reversed, waypoints) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathGenerator
- Geometric<T> - Interface in org.team5419.fault.math.geometry
- get() - Method in interface org.team5419.fault.util.time.ITimer
Function to get time since timer started
- get() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.util.time.SystemTimer
Function to get time since timer started
- get() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.util.time.WPITimer
Function to get time since timer started
- getAngle() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Vector2
- getAverage() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.util.CircularDoubleBuffer
- getBRAKE() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.DriveSignal.Companion
- getBrakeMode() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.DriveSignal
- getCosAngle() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Rotation2d
- getCurrentAction() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.auto.Routine
- getCurvature() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Pose2dWithCurvature
- getCurvature(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.CubicHermiteSpline
- getCurvature(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.QuinticHermiteSpline
- getCurvature(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.Spline
- getDCurvature() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Pose2dWithCurvature
- getDCurvature(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.CubicHermiteSpline
- getDCurvature(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.QuinticHermiteSpline
- getDCurvature(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.Spline
- getDeadband() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getDegrees() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Rotation2d
- getDown() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.ButtonState
- getDTheta() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Twist2d
- getDx() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Twist2d
- getDy() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Twist2d
- getElements() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.util.CircularBuffer
- getEndPose() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.QuinticHermiteSpline
- getEndPose() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.Path
- getEndVelocity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.Path
- getError() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getFrictionVoltage() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
the voltage needed to overcome static
- getHeading(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.CubicHermiteSpline
- getHeading(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.QuinticHermiteSpline
- getHeading(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.Spline
- getHighNeginertiaScalar() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getHighSensitivity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getHighWheelNonlinearity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getIdentity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Rotation2d.Companion
- getIdentity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Twist2d.Companion
- getIntegralZone() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getInternalResistance() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
- getInverted() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getKD() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getKF() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getKI() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getKP() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getLeft() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.DriveSignal
- getLeft() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.MirroredPath
is path on the left side of the field
- getLeftVelocity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathFollower.PathFollowerOutput
target velocity of the right side of the drivetrain
- getLookaheadDistance() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathFollower
- getLowNeginertiaCloseScalar() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getLowNeginertiaFarScalar() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getLowNeginertiaThreshold() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getLowNeginertiaTurnScalar() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getLowSensitivity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getLowWheelNonlinearity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getMagnitude() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Vector2
- getName() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.auto.Routine
- getNEUTRAL() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.DriveSignal.Companion
- getNormalized() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Vector2
- getPathLength() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.Path
- getPeriod() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.util.loops.Looper
- getPoint(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.CubicHermiteSpline
- getPoint(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.QuinticHermiteSpline
- getPoint(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.Spline
- getPose() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Pose2dWithCurvature
- getPose(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.Spline
- getPose(index) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.Path
- getPoseWithCurvature(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.Spline
- getPositionVector() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.Position
- getPressed() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.ButtonState
- getProcessVariable() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getQuickstopDeadband() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getQuickstopScalar() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getQuickstopWeight() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.CheesyDriveHelper.CheesyDriveConfig
- getRadians() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Rotation2d
- getReleased() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.ButtonState
- getReversed() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.Path
- getRight() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.input.DriveSignal
- getRight() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.MirroredPath
- getRightVelocity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.PathFollower.PathFollowerOutput
target velocity of the right side of the drivetrain
- getRotation() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Pose2d
- getRotation() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Pose2dWithCurvature
- getSetpoint() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.pid.PIDF
- getSinAngle() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Rotation2d
- getSpeedForVoltageAndAmperage(voltage, amperage) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
Get the theoretical speed for voltage and amperage.
- getSpeedPerVolt() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
- getStallAmperage() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
the stall amperage at 12 volts
- getStartPose() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.auto.Routine
- getStartPose() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.QuinticHermiteSpline
- getStartPose() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.Path
- getStartVelocity() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.Path
- getStepNumber() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.auto.Routine
- getSum() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.util.CircularDoubleBuffer
- getTan() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Rotation2d
- getTimer() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.Controller
- getTimer() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.Subsystem
- getTorqueForVoltage(outputSpeed, voltage) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
Get the theoretical torque applied by the motor at a given speed and voltage
- getTorquePerAmp() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
- getTorquePerVolt() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
N•m per Amp
- getTranslation() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Pose2d
- getTranslation() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Pose2dWithCurvature
- getVelocity(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.CubicHermiteSpline
- getVelocity(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.QuinticHermiteSpline
- getVelocity(t) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.splines.Spline
- getVelocity(index) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.path.Path
- getVoltageForTorque(outputSpeed, torque) - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.physics.DCMotorTransmission
Get the required voltage for the requested torque at a speed.
- getX() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Vector2
- getY() - Method in class org.team5419.fault.math.geometry.Vector2